Jun 18, 2022 | Consistent Ethic of Life, FAN, Human Rights, Issues, Poverty
On June 18, 2022, Franciscan Action Network (FAN) coordinated a Franciscan and Catholic presence for the Poor People’s Campaign Moral March on Washington. Organizations who joined include NETWORK Lobby, Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), Sisters of...
Jun 2, 2022 | Human Rights, Immigration, Issues
On May 20, a federal judge blocked the Biden administration from ending the use of Title 42 on May 23. Faith organizations joined advocates nationwide in lamenting the continuation of the policy, which some lawmakers are trying to maintain indefinitely. As we continue...
Jun 2, 2022 | Consistent Ethic of Life, Human Rights, Immigration, Issues, Press Releases
June 2, 2022 As people of faith who walk in the footprints of Jesus and Francis of Assisi, Franciscan Action Network (FAN) refuses to give up hope that pernicious Title 42 will be terminated. The injunction by a federal judge was extremely disappointing to thousands...
May 26, 2022 | FAN, Human Rights, Issues
During westward expansion of the United States, the Catholic Church as well as other religious organizations collaborated with the government to create a system of residential schools for Indigenous children. For well over a century, the intention of these schools was...
Apr 21, 2022 | Consistent Ethic of Life, Human Rights, Issues, Poverty
Franciscan Action Network has signed up as a mobilizing partner in the Poor People’s Campaign moral march in Washington, D.C. On June 18, people from across the nation will assemble and march as a moral coalition to shift the moral narrative, put a face on the pain of...
Apr 7, 2022 | Human Rights, Immigration, Issues
We wanted to make sure you saw the announcement on April 1 by the Biden administration that, effective May 23, it will end the expulsion policy, known as Title 42. Enacted during the Trump Administration, Title 42 was intended to protect public health during the...