Email Newsletter

Each week we send out a newsletter via email chock full of information about the work we do in conjunction with the greater Franciscan Family. It starts off with a reflection for the upcoming week’s Gospel and offers news and information on issues we focus on. To ensure you get our newsletter delivered each week right to your email, please subscribe below.

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“Personally, I find the newsletters a most valuable resource for actions that can be engaged in by FAN/Justice Circle participants and then forwarded to others. They also provide the encouragement of realizing that there are many people who are sharing their concerns and that there are actions available to be taken.”

Terence Lover, Woodstock, NY

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Newsletter ARCHIVE

2024 Newsletters

December 31, 2024: Overjoyed at the Star

December 17, 2024: The only thing not to do is stand still 

December 10, 2024: Let us go rejoicing

December 3, 2024: Making way for the prophetic voice

November 26, 2024: Justice, Peace, and the Gift of Advent

November 19, 2024: To Testify to the Truth

November 12, 2024: Finding Peace in Discomfort

November 5, 2024: Widows Do the Right Thing

October 29, 2024: You Are Not Far from the Kingdom of God

October 22, 2024: Seeing and Praying in Darkness

October 15, 2024: Sacrifice of Love

October 8, 2024: God’s Loving-Kindness and Adversity

October 1, 2024: The Power of Relationships

September 24, 2024: Gospel Sacrifice

September 17, 2024: Actively Seeking Understanding and Wisdom

September 10, 2024: “Who Do You Say that I Am?”

September 3, 2024: Be Open

August 27, 2024: “Be doers of the word, not hearers only”

August 20, 2024: The Point of No Return

August 13, 2024: Bread for One Another

August 6, 2024: St Clare’s Example

July 30, 2024: Putting on a New Self, Created in God’s Way

July 23, 2024: Material for Miracles

July 16, 2024: Collaborating Across Faiths

July 9, 2024: You too are a brave Prophet

July 2, 2024: Astonished and Amazed!

June 25, 2024: The Touch of Faith

June 18, 2024: What are we to do?

June 11, 2024: Showing Gratitude for the Gift of Creation

June 4, 2024: Where are you?

May 28, 2024: Love does not expire

May 21, 2024: A Communion of Love

May 14, 2024: Many Gifts, One Mission

May 7, 2024: What is ours to do?

April 30, 2024: God’s (Im)Partiality

April 23, 2024: Jesus: Fully God, Fully Human

April 16, 2024: Laying Down our Lives

April 9, 2024: Repent to Receive God’s Joy

April 2, 2024: Living as Community

March 26, 2024: Continuing conversion into the vision of God

March 19, 2024: Hearing the Voice of Jesus

March 12, 2024: New Life from Fallen Grains

March 5, 2024: Lean Toward Light

February 27, 2024: Righteous Anger

February 20, 2024: Hoping Against All Hope

February 13, 2024: Spaciousness of Spirit

February 6, 2024: Embracing the Other

January 30, 2024: “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel”

January 23, 2024: Harden not your MINDS

January 16, 2024: “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men”

January 9, 2024: Listening for the Voice of God

January 2, 2024: What if…

2023 Newsletters

December 19, 2023: Doing God’s Will

December 12, 2023: Rejoice, the Lord is Near

December 5, 2023: Prepare the way of the Lord

November 28, 2023: Why, O Lord, do you let our hearts harden?

November 21, 2023: What is mercy?

November 14, 2023: Sleepers Awake!

November 7, 2023: Stay Awake and Be Ready!

October 31, 2023: “The greatest among you must be your servant”

October 24, 2023: Seeking a Christ-like Response to the Ugliness of War

October 17, 2023: Repaying to God what Belongs to God

October 10, 2023: Accepting God’s Gracious Invitation of Salvation

October 3, 2023: In the Vineyard of the Lord

September 26, 2023: Are we still at Massah & Meribah, testing & quarreling with God?

September 19, 2023: Fairness or Justice?

September 12, 2023: Who Will Speak For the Earth?

September 5, 2023: Love is the Fulfillment of the Law

August 28, 2023: Renewing the Mind During Season of Creation

August 21, 2023: Church in a Time of “Unchurching”

August 14, 2023: Transformative Faith

August 7, 2023: Courage in the storms

July 31, 2023: Witnessing to the Divine

July 24, 2023: Did I find my treasure?

July 17, 2023: Turning the World Upside Down

July 10, 2023: What is the condition of my heart?

July 3, 2023: When Foolishness = Wisdom

June 26, 2023: Doing the Will of God

June 19, 2023: The Holy Spirit brings a Bold Spirit of Truth to Power!

June 12, 2023: Discipleship Demands

June 5, 2023: Transformative Power of Corpus Christi

May 29, 2023: God so loved the world…

May 22, 2023: The Ever-Present Holy Spirit

May 15, 2023: Reflection on the Feast of Christ’s Ascension

May 8, 2023: Love is as Love Does

May 1, 2023: Faith and Works

April 24, 2023: Living an Abundant Life

April 17, 2023: Encountering the “other”

April 10, 2023: “Peace be with you”

April 3, 2023: Easter People Sing Alleluia in Darkness

March 27, 2023: Two Very Different Processions

March 20, 2023: “Untie him and set him free.”

March 13, 2023: Seeing into Hearts Creates New Vision

March 6, 2023: In Search of Living Water

February 27, 2023: Up and Down the Mountain

February 20, 2023: Fasting for Justice

February 13, 2023: Pray for those who persecute you

February 6, 2023: Embrace the Beauty in the Broken

January 30, 2023: Use Your Voice

January 23, 2023: Called to Unite

January 16, 2023: Special Reflection: Bishop Stowe’s Address at Interfaith Vigil

January 9, 2023: My Choice or God’s Choice?

January 2, 2023: Go by another way

2022 Newsletters

December 26, 2022: A Mother’s Concern

December 19, 2022: The Shepherds of Today

December 12, 2022: “Do not be afraid!”

December 5, 2022: Tapping into the Joy of the Lord

November 28, 2022: Paradox of the Promise

November 21, 2022: What does humility mean?

November 14, 2022: Reflections of Christ

November 7, 2022: Intimate Trust

October 31, 2022: Reflection on Receiving the Franciscan Vision Award

October 24, 2022: A Moment of Holy Curiosity

October 17, 2022: The Difficult Virtue of Humility

October 10, 2022: Who are your Aaron and Hur?

October 3, 2022: Precious Passing

September 26, 2022: Write Down the Vision

September 19, 2022: Called to be God’s People…All of Us

September 12, 2022: Seeing the Divine in Those Made Poor

September 5, 2022: God Never Tires of Us

August 29, 2022: The Cost of Discipleship…and the Return

August 22, 2022: The Virtue of Humility

August 15, 2022: Where Is Home?

August 8, 2022: A good, healthy kind of division

August 1, 2022: What is Your Passion?

July 25, 2022: What shall I do with my abundance?

July 18, 2022: Persistent Prayer

July 11, 2022: Recognizing God’s Presence Among Us

July 5, 2022: Our Capacity to Love Expands

June 27, 2022: Proclaiming the Truth of the Gospel

June 20, 2022: Are we fit for the Kingdom of Heaven?

June 13, 2022: Sharing the Loaves and Fishes

June 6, 2022: Dear Holy Trinity…

May 30, 2022: Jesus Keeps His Promise

May 23, 2022: May We All Be One

May 16, 2022: Join our Community of Franciscan Hearts

May 9, 2022: The Transforming Power of Love

May 2, 2022: Listening to and recognizing our Shepherd

April 25, 2022: A choice to make

April 18, 2022: Peace Be with You. Receive the Holy Spirit

April 11, 2022: Why Do You Seek the Living among the Dead?

April 4, 2022: Cry Out for the Reign of God’s Justice

March 28, 2022: The Challenge of Rationality and Grasping at Infinity

March 21, 2022: Welcome with Forgiveness and Love

March 14, 2022: Repent and Believe the Good News

March 7, 2022: Speechless in Confronting the Profound

February 28, 2022: No Leapfrogging Over Lent

February 21, 2022: The fruit of a tree shows the care it has had

February 14, 2022: Love Your Enemies?

February 7, 2022: Trust and Hope in the Lord

January 31, 2022: God Fills our Fishing Nets

January 24, 2022: Balm for the Soul of the Weary

January 17, 2022: Proclamations

January 10, 2022: All of us are Married

January 3, 2022: Ready for Ordinary Time?

2021 Newsletters

December 27, 2021: Christ Born for All People

December 20, 2021: Many Different Definitions of “Family”

December 13, 2021: Old Stories Ever New

December 6, 2021: Challenge and Joy in a Rosy Dawn

November 29, 2021: Joyful Expectation

November 22, 2021: Keep Hope Alive

November 15, 2021: Celebrating Christ the King

November 8, 2021: Living with faith and not fear

November 1, 2021: Give of Yourself and Your Need

October 25, 2021: With all your Heart

October 18, 2021: The Lord Gives and the Lord Takes Away – Bless the Lord!

October 11, 2021: It’s Okay to Be Human

October 4, 2021: Contemplating God

September 27, 2021: Family Life and Public Policy

September 20, 2021: Our Calling to be Prophets of Hope

September 13, 2021: Caught Arguing

September 6, 2021: “Who do you say I am?”

August 30, 2021: Honor God by Committing Acts of Love

August 23, 2021: Be Doers of the Word, Not only Hearers

August 16, 2021: When Roads Diverge

August 9, 2021: For with God, NOTHING is impossible!

August 2, 2021: To Trust is to Have Faith

July 26, 2021: Manna from Heaven isn’t good enough for me

July 19, 2021: Unity Through the Bond of Peace

July 12, 2021: Gathering Together and Sharing

July 5, 2021: Being Special in Ordinary Time

June 28, 2021: Prophetic or prudential action?

June 21, 2021: “Little girl, I say to you, arise!”

June 14, 2021: “Do you not have Faith?”

June 7, 2021: Signs of the Kingdom of God

May 31, 2021: A Divine Gift Offered Unconditionally

May 24, 2021: It’s All About Community

May 17, 2021: Choose Your Image

May 10, 2021: “These signs will accompany those who believe,…”

May 3, 2021: Love is of God

April 26, 2021: Remain…

April 19, 2021: The Good Shepherd

April 12, 2021: Opening Our Minds to Christ

April 5, 2021: We also are sent out

March 29, 2021: Clear out the Old Yeast

March 22, 2021: Nails Not Needed

March 15, 2021: Struggling with Christian Morality

March 8, 2021: Rejoice! Because God so Loved the World

​March 1, 2021: God is the Center of Our Lives

February 22, 2021: The Hill We Climb

February 15, 2021: Living out the Covenant with God and All Creation

February 8, 2021: Seek the Common Good

February 1, 2021: He drove out many demons

January 25, 2021: If Today You Hear His Voice

January 18, 2021: The Listening Lifestyle

January 11, 2021: Can We Hear God Through the Riotous Noise?

January 4, 2021: Let Us Stir Up Hope

2020 Newsletters

December 28, 2020: EPIPHANY and epiphanies

December 21, 2020: Trustworthiness, The Bond of a Good Person

December 14, 2020: “Nothing is impossible for God”

December 7, 2020: Let Us be the Voices for Justice

November 30, 2020: God is our Constant Hope

November 23, 2020: Blessed Hope

November 16, 2020: Whatever you Do to the Least of These…

November 9, 2020: Using our Gifts: Reward or Burden?

November 2, 2020: Walking in Holy Wisdom

October 26, 2020: “These are they who have come out of the great ordeal.”

October 19, 2020: Love of God and Neighbor

October 12, 2020: What Belongs to God?

October 5, 2020: Let Go and Let God: Prophetic Witness, Action, and Thomas Merton

September 28, 2020: Do What is Yours to Do in 2020

September 21, 2020: Watch What They Do, Not What They Say

September 14, 2020: Turn to the Lord for Mercy

September 7, 2020: Limiting Negativity in Favor of Compassion

August 31, 2020: Watchmen/Women 2020

August 24, 2020: Called to Hope and Transformation

August 17, 2020: Creating Heaven on Earth

August 10, 2020: The Power of Faith and Perseverance

August 3, 2020: Do You Hear God Whispering?

July 27, 2020: The Hidden Epidemic of Hunger

July 20, 2020: Conforming to the Image of Christ

July 13, 2020: Whoever has ears ought to hear

July 6, 2020: How Does Your Garden Grow?

June 29, 2020: Learn From Me

June 22, 2020: Can you love Jesus more than all else?

June 15, 2020: Spreading the Message of God to Those with Hardened Ears and Hearts

June 8, 2020: We are Eucharistic People!

June 1, 2020: Mend your Ways, Encourage one Another

May 25, 2020: With the Holy Spirit, Nothing is Impossible

May 18, 2020: Jesus Sends us Forth with the Help of the Holy Spirit

May 11, 2020: If You Love Me

May 4, 2020: God’s Many Dwelling Places

April 27, 2020: Overcoming of Self to Be Like Sheep

April 20, 2020: Open Our Eyes to Recognize You

April 13, 2020: Mercy in the Time of COVID-19

April 6, 2020: Jesus Saves

March 30, 2020: No, God has not abandoned us

March 23, 2020: “See how he loved him”

March 16, 2020: I have come…so that the blind shall see

March 9, 2020: Water and Living Water

March 2, 2020: The Challenge to Come Down from the Mountain

February 24, 2020: Who decides what is good and what is evil?

February 17, 2020: Claim Your Holiness!

February 10, 2020: Embracing the Broken by Letting Go

February 3, 2020: “A city set upon a mountain cannot be hidden”

January 27, 2020: Anticipation and Expectation

January 20, 2020: Called by Jesus to the Peripheries

January 13, 2020: The Measure of Being Pro-Life

January 6, 2020: An End and A Beginning 

2019 Newsletters

December 30, 2019: Bringing Light to All People

December 23, 2019: See How They Love One Another

December 16, 2019: Prepare for a New Heaven

December 9, 2019: Living with Hope in the Wilderness

December 2, 2019: Finding Acceptance in a World of Opposites

November 25, 2019: The Holy Family Were Refugees

November 18, 2019: Honoring both Jesus and Christ as King

November 11, 2019: Holy Grace will Prevail

November 4, 2019: Gospel Endurance

October 28, 2019: The Greatness of the Lord is Mercy on All

October 21, 2019: The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor. Do We?

October 14, 2019: Lift up those weary arms!

October 7, 2019: Arrested for Christ

September 30, 2019: Standing Firm in Faith Despite Adversity

September 23, 2019: Who is on Our Doorstep?

September 16, 2019: “You can not serve both God and…”

September 9, 2019: Are We a Stiff-Necked People?

September 2, 2019: How Can We Co-Create Our World?

August 26, 2019: Am I Meek and Humble of Heart?

August 19, 2019: What is Good News?

August 12, 2019: I Have Come to Set the Earth on Fire

August 5, 2019: Where Is My Treasure?

July 29, 2019: You Fool…

July 22, 2019: Prayer in Action

July 15, 2019: I Choose Both

July 8, 2019: Will you See the Image and Likeness of God?

July 1, 2019: Is this the Kingdom Jesus Had in Mind?

June 24, 2019: I will follow you wherever you go

June 17, 2019: Corpus Christi: “Could be…”

June  10, 2019: Global Solidarity: A Web of Relationships

June 4, 2019: Empowered by the Holy Spirit

May 27, 2019: Embracing the Call to Witness Love

May 20, 2019: God’s Gift to All

May 13, 2019: Creating a New Earth

May 6, 2019: God: The Shepherd of All

April 29, 2019: “I am going fishing.”

April 22, 2019: “Blessed are they who have not seen and yet have come to believe”

April 15, 2019: From Darkness to Light, From Death to New Life!

April 1, 2019: Doing Something New

March 25, 2019: Discovering God’s Lost and Found

March 18, 2019: God is in the Journey

March 11, 2019: Welcome All Strangers as Family

March 4, 2019: Conversion from the Good to the Better

February 25, 2019: From Heart to Tongue to Action

February 18, 2019: There but for the Grace of God…

February 11, 2019: Beatitudes: A Road Map for Christian Life

February 4, 2019: Here I Am Lord

January 28, 2019: Challenged to Follow Jesus

January 21, 2019: The Word and the Body

January 14, 2019: For Whom Will You Not Be Silent?

January 7, 2019: Expectation or Exasperation?

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