2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

Please review the work of the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) in our 2023 Annual Report and let us know how we are doing. Please send your feedback to Executive Director Michele Dunne or Communications Coordinator Janine Walsh. Download FAN's 2023 Annual Report...
Acting Franciscan Podcast

Acting Franciscan Podcast

How are we called to live the gospel life in the Franciscan Tradition in our modern world? While we do not have all the answers, we know that understanding and growth require dialogue. In this podcast series, brought to you by the Franciscan Action Network, we discuss...
Our work on Immigration and Human Rights

Our work on Immigration and Human Rights

The foundation for FAN’s work on Immigration is found in scripture, Catholic Social Teaching, and Franciscan tradition and values. Welcoming the stranger is a mandate in the Hebrew Scriptures. In the 25th chapter of Matthew, the Last Judgment, Jesus teaches that we...
Befriending our Impoverished Neighbors & Becoming Blessed

Befriending our Impoverished Neighbors & Becoming Blessed

In 2023 for the first time, Franciscan Action Network held an unconventional benefit; we invited members of our Network to sponsor or buy a ticket and to give away their dinner to someone who truly needed it. The Network responded with such love and generosity that we...