Franciscan Justice Circles

Our times need grassroots, Franciscan inspired advocacy and action.

Learn more below about our initiative connecting Franciscan-hearted individuals through prayer, action, and advocacy in cities across the country.

Frequently asked Questions

What are Franciscan Justice Circles (FJC)?

Formerly known as the Franciscan Solidarity Tables, the FJCs are local grassroots affinity groups, inspired by the Franciscan charism, that unite to advocate for social and environmental justice. They are independent, ongoing, volunteer-led groups empowered to engage the issues in their communities that are important to them through advocacy and action. Supported by the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) and the national network of Franciscan Justice Circles, these groups explore more deeply the social justice path of the Two Feet of Love in Action, and engage important local issues, challenging policies that perpetuate injustice and advancing policies of peace, justice, and care for creation.

Who are Franciscan Justice Circles for?

If you are searching for ways to address the root causes of injustice in our society with the inspiration Franciscan values, then joining a Franciscan Justice Circle (FJC) is for you. The FJCs need people who are more experienced in Franciscan ways as much as they need people who are new to them–the Circle will be better because you are there.

Why get involved in a FJC?

Joining an FJC provides a welcoming space to come together in community with a diverse group of people who all feel called to integrate Franciscan values into their lives in a way that moves them beyond themselves. This unique program invites people to build on their experiences of charitable works, challenging them to to advocate and take actions to address the root causes of injustice in their community. FAN will provide a handbook and materials to guide each Circle through the process.

How do FJCs progress?

Each Franciscan Justice Circle will develop in its own locale, discovering its particular area of action. The members of each Justice Circle will go through four phases, which allow members to grow in faith, deepen Franciscan spirituality, practice a culture of encounter and move to faith-rooted action in public life. FAN provides support materials and education to assist each group in deepening its understanding of the Franciscan tradition.

How is this different/same as Secular Franciscan fraternities?

The Franciscan Justice Circles are fundamentally different from Secular Franciscan fraternities. FJCs are primarily directed toward action and advocacy in American public life, concerned with addressing the structural casues of social injustice and advancing laws and policies reflective of Franciscan values. And, while professed Franciscans are welcome, FJCs are open to any “Franciscan-hearted” individuals – lay or professed, and not limited to Catholics — who are called to this advocacy.  The Circles uniquely provide a space where people with Franciscan hearts can unite in their desire to actively live a holistic lifestyle of justice that embraces both charity and advocacy.

Can my fraternity or religious community be associated with the Franciscan Justice Circles?

Yes! If you already have a group formed and could benefit from the faith-rooted advocacy support that FAN provides, along with the opportunity to network with other Franciscan Justice Circles, we welcome you to join our growing movement. We would be happy to explore how we can integrate our efforts together.

How can we form a FJC?

Forming a small group in order to start a FJC is a task that calls for creativity, reaching out to friends and others who share a concern for faith-based social justice as well as getting out the word in your local community, such as at places of worship or in other networks. The ideal FJC consists of a small core group, ranging from four to twelve people, but varies by each group’s unique circumstances. To assist you in extending the invitation to more people, we have prepared promotional materials, available on the Resources page.

The Director of the Franciscan Justice Circles is happy to connect members within geographical regions who might not know each other yet.

What is the time commitment?

The Circles are ongoing and FAN recommends meeting one to two times each month, for one to two hours. Our hope is that you form lasting relationships in the Circle that strengthen your Franciscan call.

Where do FJCs happen?

Ideally, FJCs form in association with an existing Franciscan community, like a parish or school or religious house. However, the FJCs can meet at any location that is accessible and provides an environment free of distractions, such as a home, church, or school.

What does it mean to be Franciscan-Hearted?

We use the term “Franciscan-hearted” to refer to people who feel a special connection with the examples and spirituality of Sts. Francis and Clare of Assisi, believing in their relevance in today’s world. This includes both professed Franciscans and those who are not official members of any Franciscan order (professed Franciscans). They may belong to a Franciscan parish, have friendships with or been educated by Franciscans, or work at a Franciscan institution, as examples. Franciscan-hearted people are those of us who try to live lives of Franciscan values and spirituality and grow in our call to be a living Gospel, a call which Francis and Clare also strove to respond to in their own lives.

Members of the New York City area Franciscan Justice Circle

“As followers of Christ, we cannot fail to be concerned for the welfare of the weakest; we must also draw the attention of society and the civil authorities to their plight.”

—Pope Francis

Members of the Boston area Franciscan Justice Circle

Members of the Washington, D.C. area Franciscan Justice Circle

Current Circles Include:

For information on these or newly forming Circles, click here.

Phoenix-area FJC
Southern California FJC
Denver, CO FJC
Connecticut – Rhode Island FJC
Delaware Valley (DE, NJ, PA) FJC
Metro Washington DC FJC
Northeast Georgia FJC
Chicagoland FJC
Central Indiana FJC
Kansas FJC
Boston FJC
Greensboro, NC-Area FJC
NYC-area FJC
Rochester, NY FJC
Mid-Hudson Valley NY FJC
Cincinnati, OH-area FJC
Cleveland, OH–area FJC
Central Pennsylvania FJC (Columbia, Montour, Northumberland Counties)
Reading, PA-area FJC
Nashville, TN-area FJC
Richmond, VA-area FJC
Eastern Wisconsin FJC
Driftless Region FJC – Western WI / Southeastern MN
Virtual Nationwide FJC, For those with limited accessibility

College Circles:

Saint Bonaventure U. FJC
Neumann U. FJC

Circles in Formation:

St. Louis, Missouri
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Atlanta, Georgia

What People Are Saying

“My participation in the SoCal Circle has enhanced my formation and has made me a better Franciscan.”

Br. Christopher, Yorba Linda, California

“I am grateful for all of my learning to see with a Franciscan eye and heart.”

Linda Tuttle, Mid-Hudson Valley FJC

For more information about how to begin a Franciscan Justice Circle or connect to one in your area:

Contact the Director of Franciscan Justice Circles, Nora Pfeiffer

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