Human Rights

Franciscans emphasize the dignity of the human person, especially in its social nature.

Although all creation is the “footprint of God,” the Franciscan tradition understands that human beings are also created in the very image and likeness of God. Humans represent in a special way God who is Trinity, and therefore we achieve our personal fulfillment in relationship to God and in community rather than in the isolation of individualism.

“Her life was an instruction and a lesson to others: in this book of life some learned the rule of living, in this mirror of life others learned to behold the paths of life.”

—Papal Decree of the Canonization of St. Clare
Solidarity With Seafarers Campaign

Solidarity With Seafarers Campaign

Each year, the Coalition of Catholic Organizations Against Human Trafficking (CCOAHT), of which Franciscan Action Network is a member, launches a...

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