As Franciscans, we hold a special place in our heart for our Mother Earth. We see our God reflected in her beauty and remember the necessity of a balanced ecology.
This year we join Franciscans and others all over the world in celebrating the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si’. FAN is partnering with the Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities (AFCU) to engage young adults around the messages and calls for action in the encyclical. We’ve planned a 3-part series of 1-hour online events focused on understanding these messages and discussing concrete ways to live out the directives presented by Pope Francis. You can view part 1 of our series here.
Our second gathering took place July 14th, where we hosted two individuals actively putting the theory of Laudato Si’ into action in their lives and communities. We learned what motivates and guides them to protecting our future and planet. You can watch the recording of the webinar here.
The next part in this series will take place:
Tuesday, July 28th at 7pm ET / 4pm PT. In our third and final part of this series we’ll delve into ways you can actively participate in caring for our common home. With Shantha Ready Alonso and Annika Harley from Creation Justice Ministries, we will explore how to become an advocate in response to the cries of the earth and the cries of impoverished people. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
FAN Resources:
Click here to learn about One-to-One Relational Meetings and download an outline and reflection sheets.
Stay up to date on FAN’s work by signing up for our newsletter here.
Watch part 1 of our series, where we welcomed Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM and Dr. Meghan Clark to introduce us to the themes of Laudato Si’.
Follow us on Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
FAN’s Laudato Si’ Week Webinar
Presentations on Laudato Si’ from Fr. James Flynn
Other Organizations:
Laudato Si’ Revolution
Catholic Climate Covenant
Living the Change
Global Catholic Climate Movement
Information and resources from our panelists:

Kayla Jacobs is the Director of Programs for Laudato Si’ Ministries of the Diocese of Joliet working with parishes and schools as they implement sustainable practices and teaches people about caring for God’s creation and poor and vulnerable people. She lives in intentional community at Nativity House which runs a community garden and provides hospitality and housing to single, pregnant women and babies who would otherwise be experiencing homelessness. Download her Laudato Si’ Next Steps resource.