Fr. Jim Flynn, retired Roman Catholic priest from Louisville, KY has served in various parishes in the area for 65 years. He spent time in Central America from the mid-’80s to 2014 and has been spotted in various news reports giving a voice to the voiceless, welcoming immigrants and as a supporter of Sanctuary for All.

From Fr. Jim:
“When the translation of LAUDATO SI’ became available on 6/18/15, immediately and literally I downloaded it, printed it out and began to read. I couldn’t put it down! After a couple of days of reading, I decided to re-read it with marker in hand, all the while wondering how I could be of some service to spread this “good news.”

In 2015, he took his passion and converted it into presentations which he shared with over 50 church, school, and study groups in his area. Now, as the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si approaches, Fr. Flynn has pulled out those presentations, dusted them off, and is again offering them to those interested via weekly Zoom meetings. Each week, he offers a new presentation based on the chapters of the encyclical. Fr. Flynn has generously allowed us to post these presentations here.

Laudato Si’ Presentations:

Introduction and Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

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