An important part of advocacy for social justice is attending and planning actions. These visible events help our lawmakers in Washington, D.C. and around the country clearly see what issues are important to everyday people and the great numbers of us with Franciscan values.

Being a Franciscan presence in the public arena is part of our mission and the staff of FAN regularly participates in many kinds of advocacy actions. We also want to hear about and uplift what you’ve been doing in your community. Click here to let us know what actions you have participated in.

Here is what we’ve attended so far this year:

December 2024

December 11: Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence

FAN cosponsored the 12th Annual National Vigil for All Victims of Gun Violence on Dec. 11 at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in D.C. Michele Dunne, Sr. Marie Lucey, Sr. Maria Orlandini, and Gabriela Martinez joined in remembrance, honoring lives lost, including Ryan Realbuto, a 2023 Franciscan Justice Leadership Conference participant and Capuchin Corps volunteer. 

Click here to watch the recording.

December 5: Christians for Ceasefire

At the National Christmas Tree lighting on Dec. 5, Christians for Ceasefire held a vigil honoring those killed in Gaza, joined by FAN’s Peace Fellow Eli McCarthy and Executive Director Michele Dunne. The group prayed, sang, and bore witness, carrying a tableau of the baby Jesus wrapped in a keffiyeh as a reminder of Christ in the rubble.

Watch clips from the vigil here: Christians for Ceasefire at the National Christmas Tree.

November 2024

November 1: Prayer for Peace in the Middle East

On November 1, Sr. Maria Orlandini, OSF, FAN’s Director of Advocacy, and Sr. Marie Lucey, OSF, FAN’s Associate Director, joined an interfaith prayer for peace in the Middle East. Gathered in solidarity, they lifted prayers for justice, reconciliation, and an end to violence in the region.

October 2024

October 22: Funding Climate Hope

FAN staff joined an Interfaith Prayer Vigil at the U.S. Department of State on October 22, 2024 to encourage U.S. officials to “fund climate hope” at the upcoming COP 29 global gathering in Azerbaijan. The event, which was organized by the Washington Interfaith Staff Community Energy and Ecology Working Group, consisted of prayers, lamentations, and singing to highlight the need for the United States to pay its fair share to address global climate issues. 

September 2024

September 26: Advocacy Days to Stop Arms Sales to Haiti

On September 26, Sr. Maria Orlandini, Director of Advocacy for the Franciscan Action Network, joined Angela Howard-McParland in front of Sen. Warren’s office for Advocacy Days to stop arms sales to Haiti. This peaceful demonstration sought to raise awareness and urge action against U.S. arms sales that contribute to violence and unrest in Haiti.  

September 25: Stones Cry Out Delegation

On September 25, FAN Just Peace Fellow, Dr. Eli McCarthy, hosted the “Stones Cry Out” delegation and 40 other peace and nonviolence activists to ask DNC officials for an arms embargo and ceasefire resolution.


September 11: Standing with Apache Stronghold

On Sept. 11, FAN staff stood in solidarity with Apache Stronghold as they submitted their case of environmental injustice on their Sacred lands to the Supreme Court. Prayers and testimonies were given as a blessing to those who went inside to submit the case.


August 2024

August 30: Moral Monday at the Supreme Court

FAN staff members attended Moral Monday on August 30 at the Supreme Court. Associate of Campaigns, Gabriela Martinez, offered a prayer and gave a testimony of how Franciscan people of faith are working to end systemic poverty.

August 6: Online Hiroshima - Nagasaki Prayer Service

On August 6, the Franciscan Peace Center of the Sisters of St. Francis of Clinton, Iowa, and 15 other women religious communities, justice, and leadership teams together hosted an online prayer service to commemorate the tragic events of August 6 and 9, 1945, when atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. The event brought together people of faith for prayerful reflection and a shared commitment to peace. Sr. Louise Lears, SC was a reader.

Watch prayer service on YouTube

Resource sheet

August 7: Hiroshima & Nagasaki 75-Consecutive-Hour Vigil for Peace

The communities of Sant’Egidio hosted a Vigil for Peace for 75 consecutive hours from 6pm ET / 3pm PT on August 5 to 9pm ET / 6pm PT on August 8, the dates of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. FAN’s communications coordinator Janine Walsh participated for the 12:00pm eastern time hour on Wednesday, August 7 praying for peace in communion with sisters and brothers around the world and remembering the victims of all current conflicts.

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August 9: Nonviolent witness and prayer at White House

On August 9, 2024, despite wind and rain, FAN staff Sr. Marie Lucey and Gabriela Martinez joined 15 other peacemakers at a nonviolent witness and prayer service outside the White House to commemorate the atrocities of the U.S. nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Their message was for the nation to repent for the nuclear sin, abolish nuclear weapons, and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear weapons, and to recommit to the way of Gospel nonviolence.

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July 2024

July 30: Interfaith Action for Palestine

FAN staff participated in an interfaith prayer vigil with testimonies, dancing, and singing to stand witness against the narrative of Christian nationalism during the Christians United for Israel lobby day on Capitol Hill. Eli McCarthy, a peace fellow with the Franciscan Action Network, who participated in the singing disruption and lobbying efforts in Congress said, “As a Christian, Jesus calls us to focus on compassion and nonviolent peacemaking. It is critical to challenge theological and political sources of power that enable ongoing occupation and genocidal impacts on communities of our human family.”

July 17: John Lewis National Day of Commemoration and Action

FAN staff joined the Washington Interfaith Staff Community’s (WISC) Faithful Democracy group to remember the anniversary of John Lewis’ passing. FAN’s Associate of Campaigns Gabriela Martinez and summer intern Violet Apodaca joined participants in remembering his commitment to preserving Democracy and voting rights by advocating for the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which is yet to be passed.

July 24: Churches for Middle East Peace Prayer Vigil

FAN joined Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) at a prayer for justice and peace in Washington DC held during prime minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress calling on our elected officials to stop supporting the genocide in Gaza. The service included prayer, song, and lamentation for those suffering in Gaza and ended with a commitment to continue taking action.

Watch prayer vigil live stream on YouTube, here.

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July 28: Mennonite Action march from Virginia to White House

On July 28, Mennonite Action completed an 11-day 135-mile march from Harrisonburg, VA to the White House to draw attention to the suffering, death, and destruction unfolding in Gaza. FAN Staff joined more than 125 people in the final 8-mile leg of the march. Marchers prayed, sang, and carried banners and signs calling on our elected officials to stop supporting the violence in Gaza.

Read about the journey here.

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June 2024

June 6: Human Trafficking Lobby Day

The Alliance to end Human Trafficking and the National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd organized a lobby day during which participants advocated for an attainable bi-partisan solution to reduce human trafficking by addressing the root causes of forced migration, protecting unaccompanied children, and speeding asylum seekers access to work.
Sr. Maria Orlandini, FAN’s Director of Advocacy (pictured, second from left), joined a group that visited the offices of Maryland congressmen Raskin and Ivey as well as the two Senators Cardin and Van Hollen.

June 29: Poor People's Campaign Moral March

FAN joined thousands of clergy, union members and activists at the U.S. Capitol on Saturday June 29 to rally on behalf of the poor, urging low-wealth Americans to make their voices heard in November. FAN Associate of Campaigns, Gabriela Martinez spoke about the “disease of injustice” calling for lawmakers to embrace policies intended to correct these injustices.

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Religion News Service Article

May 2024

May 3: Prayer Service at White House for Ceasefire in Israel-Palestine

FAN staff joined the organizations and peacemakers that comprise Christians for Ceasefire in a Ecumenical Christian Prayer Vigil in front of the White House on Friday, May 3.

May 3 was the 41st anniversary of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ landmark pastoral letter, “The Challenge of Peace,” which focused on the responsibility of the Christian Church to promote peace and nonviolence.

The service began with words from Bishop John Stowe, Conv OFM, bishop of Lexington, KY and bishop president of Pax Christi USA, the national Catholic peace movement.

Watch the live stream here.

Photos from FAN
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NCR Article

April 2024

April 18: Interfaith Earth Day Event

FAN Associate of Campaigns, Gabriela Martinez joined a gathering of the Washington Interfaith Staff Community to celebrate Earth Day at the Capitol Visitor Center. Speakers were from the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic traditions, as well as faith-liaison staff from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Topics of conversation ranged from the different faiths working together and dedicated to preserving and caring for our Sister Earth for millennia to come, as well as how the US is working with faith communities to mitigate the climate crisis as it impacts the world today.

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Photo Credit: Thomas Gould

April 22: Earth Day Poor People's Campaign Rally

FAN staff and board member Fr Paul Lininger participated in an April 22 rally at the US Supreme Court that brought out more than 500 people in solidarity with neighbors experiencing homelessness.

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March 2024

March 6: Christians for Ceasefire

On March 6th, FAN staff joined the ‘Christians 4 Ceasefire’ along with Jewish and Muslim leaders to witness the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, and to call for a ceasefire ahead of the Israeli invasion of Rafah deadline of March 10. Approximately 20 prayerful and nonviolent people, including FAN’s peace fellow, Dr. Eli McCarthy, participated in a course of civil disobedience by tying banners to the White House fence, handcuffing themselves to fences, and blocking intersections. No arrests were made.

Watch the live stream here

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March 21: Christians for Ceasefire Pray-in

As part of their Lenten Ceasefire Campaign, Christians for Ceasefire held a prayer vigil on Thursday afternoon with national faith leaders and approximately 75 in attendance on Capitol Hill followed by a nonviolent action in the Russell Senate Office Building. Faith leaders had powerful words calling for prayers for a permanent ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and proper respect for everyone. Attendees heard heartbreaking statistics of the continued violation of humanity in Gaza, and a lamentation was read throughout the prayer vigil. After the planned remarks in front of the Methodist Building, the group made its way to the Russell Senate Office Building to carry out a nonviolent witness. After standing in the formation of a cross in the center of the building’s rotunda while singing out phrases such as “Food not war,” “Children are dying in Gaza,” and “No more bombing hospitals,” 12 people were arrested by U.S. Capitol Police for nonviolent civil disobedience.

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February 2024

Feb. 14: Christians for Ceasefire Mass and Prayer Service

On February 14, 2024, Christians for Ceasefire held an Ash Wednesday Catholic Mass and Public Witness for Peace in the Holy Land at the White House as the launch of a Lenten Ceasefire Campaign. The purpose of the event was to call attention to and in mourning for the tens of thousands of lives that have been destroyed in Gaza and Israel since October 7, 2023. About 150 people joined the witness and a smaller group of 14 people risked nonviolent arrest. FAN cosponsored the event and executive director Michele Dunne offered the intercessory prayers during the Catholic Mass.

Read the press release here and news articles from:

Religion News

Independent Catholic News

Catholic News Herald

Watch the video here

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Feb. 21: Peace Pilgrimage Rally

FAN staff and local members participated in a February 21 rally in front of the White House with participants in the Pilgrimage for Peace, a group that walked from Philadelphia to Washington DC. FAN friend Joyce Dodson from Pennsylvania was part of the group, who called on President Biden to work for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, release of Israeli hostages, and increased humanitarian aid. The rally was the second event in the Christians for Ceasefire Lenten Campaign.

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January 2024

January 15: Martin Luther King Jr Rally

In partnership with the Washington, D.C. chapter of the Poor People’s Campaign, the staff of FAN joined the annual MLK Peace Walk and Parade.

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January 22: Day of Prayer for the Unborn

Although heavy snow in DC on January 19, 2024 precluded our usual participation in the March for Life, FAN staff gathered to commemorate the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children on January 22, 2024. FAN supports a Consistent Ethic of Life, upholding the sacred value and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death.

January 5: Faith in Democracy Interfaith Vigil

FAN and Faith in Peace Concerts hosted the third annual Faith in Democracy Interfaith Vigil. If you missed any of the event, you can watch the recording by clicking the link below. Our featured faith leaders shared messages on unity in these divided times. Inspirational music from D.C. a cappella group Reverb and duo The Sweater Set accompanied the event.

Recording on our website

Photos of the event

January 9: Save Asylum Interfaith Vigil

FAN joined Hope Border Institute, the Interfaith Immigration Coalition and other immigration advocates for an interfaith prayer vigil in support of asylum.

This showing of solidarity coincided with Congress members returning to Capitol Hill after the winter recess to resume ongoing negotiations that would trade away the rights of immigrants and asylum seekers in exchange for short-term foreign aid.

Link to Live Stream

January 13: Prayer vigil for ceasefire in Gaza

Christian faith leaders gathered in Washington, D.C. for a prayer vigil calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Franciscan Action Network cosponsored the event along with Churches for Middle East Peace, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – Justice Team, Pax Christi USA, and Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. Fr. Jacek Orzechowski, OFM was a participant in the vigil, reading a passage from a letter to Congress from faith leaders urging diplomatic solutions to the violence.

Watch the live stream

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