One hundred people at St. Francis Hall in D.C. and even more online gathered October 6th for our annual event, which highlighted domestic and global peacebuilding efforts in an interview with Marie Dennis and Tony Lewis, Jr. conducted by America Media podcast host Gloria Purvis. We also honored Sr. Margaret Carney and Secular Franciscan Deacon Bill Coffey for their tireless efforts to bring a healing Franciscan touch to our society. You can find photos of the evening by clicking here.

We want to extend a heartfelt thanks to all our sponsors and donors to the event, which are found listed below. Please take a moment to view the presentation that was shared during the program. If you missed the event but would still like to donate, please click here.

Laudato Si’ Sponsors:

Rod & Alli Colburn

Brother Sun Sponsors:

Derek & Anna Nolan

Doug & Alisa O’Brien

Charles & Michele Dunne

Sister Moon Sponsors:

Lucy Slinger, FSPA

Ambassador & Mrs.

Kenneth & Joan Hackett

Patrick & Stella Carolan

Charles Dunne

Kelly Moltzen

Denise Clare, OFS

Brother Wind Sponsors:

Ann Corro, OFS

Anne Montgomery House


Deborah Coakley

Concetta Boscardin

Jeff & Teresa Redder

Helen M. Sargeant, OFS

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