Each year, the Coalition of Catholic Organizations Against Human Trafficking (CCOAHT), of which Franciscan Action Network is a member, launches a campaign to raise awareness of forced labor in the fishing industry. This year, due to the global pandemic, a new humanitarian crisis has emerged that is severely impacting all men and women who work at sea. CCOAHT – together with Stella Maris and the Apostleship of the Sea USA – are urging people of faith to leverage their voices as consumers to uphold the safety and labor rights of one of the world’s most invisible group of essential workers.
These key essential workers, seafarers work on ships around the world and are mostly invisible heroes. Their labor brings 90% of raw materials, food, medicine, and other products to U.S. ports. Without seafarers, the global economy would, quite literally, be sunk!

Through the Solidarity with Seafarers campaign, we take a look at the risks that seafarers face at sea as well as how the pandemic has exacerbated these risks.
You can learn more about the current plight of these essential workers and access resources for faith communities including prayer intentions, bulletin inserts, social media shareables, and other ideas for action in the Solidarity with Seafarers Toolkit.
Additionally, we urge our members and friends to take action to protect the rights of seafarers and ensure they are treated as essential workers during this global pandemic. Sign this Petition to Walmart asking them to join the Neptune Declaration.