June 20, 2019
Media Contact:
Janine Walsh
(203) 685-1856
Franciscans Decry Rhetoric by the President to Instill Fear into Immigrant Community
His Cruel Promise to Deport “Millions” is Both Inhumane and Unrealistic
This week via tweet the President claimed that his administration is preparing for a major deportation of immigrant communities as soon as next week. The Franciscan Action Network (FAN) opposes this latest effort to terrorize and intimidate immigrant communities. This heartless promise is both inhumane and unrealistic.
Due to the focus on families, this round of deportation threats suggest a second bout of family separation, only this time it would be taking place in backyards instead of at the border. The psychological damage done by these raids is devastating. Research shows that children who witness a parent’s arrest, particularly in a home setting, are more likely to suffer mental health and behavioral problems.
“Our faith challenges us to treat every human being with dignity and respect. Targeting children, youth and families in an effort to ‘send a message’ is cruel and goes against everything Jesus taught in the Gospels,” said Sr. Marie Lucey, OSF, FAN Associate Director.
FAN implores the Administration to stop separating families and terrorizing immigrant communities. Additionally, we call on Congress to stop funding ICE and CBP to assure there will not be enough resources to make the threat of these raids a reality.