June 27, 2022
Franciscan Action Network Responds to Supreme Court Decision on Roe v. Wade
Washington, D.C. – As Franciscans and Franciscan-hearted people, we support a consistent ethic of life from the moment of conception to a natural death; we believe all human life is sacred and should be protected by law. Following the recent Supreme Court decision on abortion, we pray for laws and policies that will show equal regard for the life and wellbeing of children and of women. Efforts to end abortion will be successful only if women who are pregnant find the health, social, and economic support they need.
We want a child born, a child fed, a child educated, a child housed and raised in a healthy, life-supporting environment. We want to see women surrounded by compassion and provided with options that enable pro-life decisions.
We will continue to advocate for measures that support women in crisis pregnancies and that provide the healthcare, education, and economic opportunities which would allow them, their families, and all children to thrive. Urgently-needed measures include improved maternal health care, rights for pregnant workers, generous parental leave policies, consistent child tax credits, childcare subsidies, and universal pre-kindergarten education. The Franciscan Action Network looks forward to working with organizations and individuals similarly motivated by care for women and children.