August 6, 2020
Today marks 55 years since the Voting Rights Act became law. Since that historic day, voter restrictions have inexplicably increased, including the Supreme Court stripping provisions of the Voting Rights Act in 2013.
As Franciscans and as Christians, our faith teaches us that we must recognize each person as a gift from God, and that we must emphasize the importance of the essential humanity and dignity of each person. And, as Pope Francis calls us to “meddle in politics” we interpret this concept as a requirement that all Americans must have an equal say in the public square.
Having an equal say means that all Americans must have equal access to the vote. This is especially true this year during a pandemic: all Americans must be able to vote safely and securely, either in person or by mail.
To ensure that all Americans can vote safely and securely, the Senate must immediately pass $3.6 billion in election funding. Additionally, to ensure that all Americans have an equal say in the public square, the Senate must use this anniversary as an opportunity to pass the bipartisan John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.