We have heard from many FAN members and friends who attended March for Our Lives Rallies all over the country on Saturday, March 24, 2018. We are proud of the young people whose initiative and voices have grown this movement to address gun violence in our country. The overall emotion coming out of these marches is hope. Sr. Miriam Eileen Murray, OSF belongs to the Franciscan Sister of Philadelphia, who are FAN members. We invite you read her blog post about the march in Media, PA. Additionally, Jim Clifford and his wife, Debbie joined FAN’s executive director, Patrick Carolan at the March in Washington, DC. His thoughts about the march are on this blog post.
If you attended a march in your community, we invite you to send us some photos and tell us where you are. We have begun to collect these inspiring stories and pictures and will post them in a future communication. So far we know that FAN staff, board, and institutional members attended marches in Washington D.C., New York City, and Toledo, Ohio.
Additionally, we want to inform you that FAN friends at Common Cause released on a new report on the NRA’s political influence and how democracy reforms can shift power back to the people. You can find that report at www.takingonthenra.org.