FAN Member Carolyn D. Townes, OFS is the National Animator of Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation for the U.S. Secular Franciscan Order and has developed a resource she is sending out to the Secular Franciscan family in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the 5th Anniversary of Laudato Si.

The resource is called Creation 3-2-1 and includes 3 excerpts about Creation Justice, 2 quotes from Laudato Si with short reflections, and 1 question to ponder or call to action. The materials will be emailed to the Secular Franciscan family for the next 16 weeks, leading up to the Season of Creation in September.

Carolyn has graciously allowed us to host these resources here. Please click on the links below to download each.

Creation 3-2-1:

April 22nd – 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

May 6th – Do you have a heart for all of God’s creation?

May 14th – How do you honor the gifts of earth, water and air from our Creator God?

May 20th – Laudato Si’ Week

July – Water Issue


Discussion Guide from USCCB Dept. of Justice, Peace and Human Development

Common Prayer celebrating 5th Anniversary of Laudato Si

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